How do you practice self-care?

For me self-care has two dimensions.
1. Preventive
2. Curative
Preventive self-care is obvious. The usual ‘“good life“, “healthy mind , healthy body’ kind of menu we are splashed all around us.
Zillions of coaches, authors, physicists all around , with tons of advice on how to lead a healthy life and practice self-care.
Curative self-care is our own personal response to dealing with a loss, emotional bruises. Curative self-care is unique to us. Each one responds in their own way.
My 5 ways:
1. Going silent:
My first response to an emotional bruise, caused directly or indirectly is to go silent. This helps me to get disconnected from the event and the sub-topics from that event. It is my personal exclusive time to process reasons leading up to the event.
2. Going for a quick solo drive:
This works for me always. I find the connection between self, my vehicle and the road very satisfying. Music adds to the ambience and cuts out the noise in my head.
3. Doodling:
I am not much of a great doodler. But, the process of releasing my thoughts in simple random designs without the pressure of creating a pattern, is healing. I doodle whatever and however I like, It’s the release that matters, not the pattern or design.
4. Going over past “to-do” lists:
I love going over past to-do lists. This works two ways. One it gives an immediate sense of accomplishment. Two, it allows me to revisit items that I have not struck-off. This is just me-time to pat myself and remind me of things that need closure.
5. Talk to people with whom I usually converse less:
My curated list of such people- our security personnel, that random shop-owner, the delivery boy, etc. Basically, anyone who is distant and with whom I know that topics will be mostly about them and their well-being.
So, yes. These are usually my tried and tested , effective short-form curative self care methods.
Thank you for reading!