What could you do less of?

- Flatter less: In my never ending quest of pleasing people, I have come to realise that I flatter them a lot. I praise them for more than what they are, just to make them feel good. What this does to the others is that they slowly start believing in what is being said about them. Moreover, more the number of times I flatter people, more is the reinforcement of my flattery on them. I think this should stop. I will try to provide only realistic feedback or praise about people. This is very hard for me though, because my sense of realism is a bit too harsh by any standards and people may feel offended, as well. I any case there is no harm in trying this all over again.
- Saying Yes: This needs to be done immediately. And this is linked to the above point of flattering people. Saying yes – if done unrealistically can leave a big void within ourselves. At some point, one is bound to question, am I happy doing this? There are multiple reason we saying yes- tacit coercion, make people happy, societal governance, positive attitude, etc. Another test that I need to also do is to check if the same people will do the same thing if roles are reversed, I haven’t actively tried this yet, but from common sense, I think some may not. Nevertheless, basically I need to stop saying Yes, every time and all the time.
- Procrastinate: This is a plague. This lures us into thinking that once we have figured out what and how a certain thing/activity can be done, it can be done at a later date. Whereas, there are certain finer points which get unearthed only when action is taken. While we procrastinate, a certain level of over confidence which sets in us, making us overlook any challenges. And by the time we realise there are new sets of challenges to be addressed, we might be late for the same thing, which we thought that we could just do it , whenever we want to do it.
- Uncontrollably angry: I would like to believe I am a very patient person. I have this feedback from a lot of people and they can vouch for it as well. However, there are times when I get completely overtaken by anger. And when I am in this zone, then I have realised, I lose a sense of analytical mind and become very loud. This has to stop. Angry words, as we know them are irreparable and irreversible. Once those words are spoken, there is no way to recall and the damage is already done.
- Not finishing what I started: Whether it is a Netflix series a book, I am quick to jump to conclusions about the series or book and never seem to finish it. Let’s analyse how I think when I take that decision of skipping a zero or a book. I am programmed to get attracted and interested in a plot within the first 5-10 mins. If it doesn’t interest me in the first 5-10 mins, I find it difficult to focus. Well , that’s me and I am sure not all plots will be designed for audiences to get hooked in the first 5–10 mins. I need to be patient.