
Things I dislike about restaurants these days

Being a foody, I never thought I would write such a post someday. But I have been compelled to. I have toyed with this hypothesis that restaurants are doing some fundamental mistakes which can ruin a dining experience.

I have also been patient to see that there is a certain consistency in pattern in the way restaurants are operating now. Thinking more about themselves and less about the people who have come to eat.

The signs are subtle. But when one notices the pattern, one can sense it is deliberate. Deliberate intention to enforce what the restaurant wants you to do. They drive the diner to the point of making them option less. And the feeling is not so nice. Here are the 5 annoying things that restaurants are doing these days:

1. Scan for menu:

We had been to a few dining outlets and they have this ‘scan for menu’ options. These ones appear in different forms “metal/plastic on which the menu to be scanned is embossed. This is then engraved on the dining table. There are small standees on which the scan image is placed and there are some cheap ones just printed on paper and then laminated.

Scan for menu

Fine, if you want to project that you aren’t using paper and you are environment conscious. We get it. But this looks like you have made too many assumptions with big holes in them.

For one, you are assuming every one who walks into your restaurant owns a smartphone.

The second assumption is the phone has charge.

The next assumption is that , after scanning, all your customers have the right eyesight to be able to read the small fonts.

Even if some of us make our way past the third assumption, there is considerable pain in sifting through the menu, read the description and find the price.

Why don’t you have a paper menu as well?

How much will you be spending in having this as an option. I am not even saying to make it standard. Have this as an alternative. Having the Scan for menu option and a paper menu as an option will greatly enhance your customers’ perception of you as an inclusive restaurant.

One of these weekends, we had been to a restaurant and beside our table there was a family of 5. Most likely it was the lady who had brought her elderly mother and her in-laws out for dinner. The commotion on that table was very evident. All of them had scanned the menu but were unable to read the small fonts. Eventually, the lady had to almost read out most of the menu for them to be able to choose.

Why cause this pain?

Why cause this pain to your customers? You are just eliminating an elderly population from your prospective customer list.

2. Paper-made straws:

When people order a non-alcoholic drink (shake, mock tail, juice) with their food, it is usually to last the entire duration of the dining activity. However, paper straws melt away and become soggy in 5-7 mins. The melted paper mixes with the drink and then the drink doesn’t taste as it should. Towards the end, it becomes difficult to suck up the drink with a languishing paper straw.

Yes, I understand you will suggest that why can’t we order another straw. I also understand that you have strict government regulations not to use single use plastic and therefore can’t serve a plastic straw. But, please find an alternative.

3. Bottled water comes before menu:

This is such a put-off. Even before the customer has ordered any food you are shoving in at least 100/- expenditure upfront. You don’t serve plain water unless someone asks for it. You come and ask – Sir, water- mineral or regular? Instantly you make the person to make a decision whether to spend on water or no.

Serving palatable drinking water should be basic, right? I understand, there is cross-selling involved. You sell INR20/- bottle at INR100/-, the most non-value add and stupidest service on which you make money.

4. Serving the male member first:

You shove your patriarchal thinking in the face by doing this. You make the lady on the table feel inferior. I can’t comment on families where the gents feel entitled to be served first and then the ladies.

But at a restaurant you can make every one feel welcome and respected equally. Please don’t explain the American, Russian or the English food service style. Even if there is a norm, this should change.

5. Asking for mobile number:

This has become an epidemic. You have a scan for menu option and have already assumed that the customer is digital friendly if not savvy. The person is most likely going to pay via one of digital modes (UPI, CC or Debit card). You should be aware that your non-satiable hunger for customer data will be fulfilled in a few moments.

But, no! You have trained your waiter/waitress to ask for number and name like it was common modus operandi. When a customer asks what do you need name and mobile number for, your trained useless answer is “For generating bill”. Please read this again to know how funny it sounds.

Just so you are aware that the Indian government and more specifically the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has announced that customers are not required to and should not share share their mobile numbers and other details.

So, my dear restaurant owners and other retailers please stop fooling people in the name of rewards and loyalty programs and sending electronic receipts.


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Co-founder I write articles, notes and share ideas on big and small things in life. Mostly into entertainment, business, sports, music and travel.